For our anniversary this year, I have asked for words - in two forms. The second year anniversary gift is "cotton" and to avoid receiving a pack of Hanes t-shirts, I asked for what really matters most to me anyway - a message of love from my one and only. Brian has been asking me for weeks what he can get me for our anniversary, and I know that he wants me to have everything I want (I know, I am a lucky gal) but I also understand that we are just now finding our financial footing as a young couple and don't need anything at this point in my life. My true love language is words of affirmation so why not ask for love in the language that means most. I asked that he write me a love note (yes, I asked for one, sometimes you have to ask for what you really want!) and Brian's first contribution post to our family blog!
Stay tuned to see how The Santa Monica Luskeys celebrate our two year anniversary. No matter what we do, where we go or which gifts are exchanged, I know it will be filled with love, laughter and food!
Besides, I think the third year anniversary gift is diamonds, anyway! :)
Congratulations on your first two years. We look forward to many more, well beyond cotton.