Max's Bar Mitzvah!
This past weekend, The Santa Monica Luskeys were in Dallas, Texas for the Bar Mitzvah of Maxwell Kreisler Harberg! We flew in mid-day Friday (which, of course, means we missed the Friday night service and dinner due to the time lost traveling eastbound from LAX) and went straight to the hotel. After a quick binge in the fully stocked hospitality suite, we were off to our Westin Dream Bed for the night.
Saturday morning we were early to rise and on the bus to Shearith Israel. I was not only proud that we were up on time (which apparently is up for debate) but perfectly coordinating on precisely zero hours of sleep. Dream Bed, my tuchus! Max did an incredible job during the Saturday morning service. He read in both English and Hebrew with confidence and ease. Max's talent and love for music were woven throughout the entire weekend - it was so nice to see his interests showcased in the service and later at the party!
Saturday afternoon, we were thrilled to spend time with Grandma Rosalie (Brian's maternal grandmother) and Aunt Carla & Uncle Michael (Shelley's sister and brother-in-law). It worked out perfectly that between the luncheon and the pre-party pictures we were able to see more family. Grandma Rosalie was so sweet to host us for some iced tea and pool side chatting - she even gave us our anniversary present: a Lladro bride and groom I'd been eyeing in her apartment for years!
We headed back to the hotel just in time to shower (again - it was so hot we had to shower twice) and head down for the family picture hour. It was so funny because all of Max's cousins on the Harberg side are older (we range from 29 to 17 years old, not including Max's siblings) and his cousins on the Kreisler side are very young (ranging from 11 years old to 18 months). It was much easier and faster to take our side's pictures pictures so, luckily for everyone, we had more time at the bar!
The party was a blast. There was a make-your-own-flip-book station, a t-shirt decorating booth and tons of food (including a popcorn bar). Max, Ben and Michael were the hit of the party when they performed three songs as a family band!
Here are some of the highlights of the weekend:

Mimi wanted a t-shirt with Max's face on it.
Whatever Mimi wants, Mimi gets!
(photo credit for above & top picture: Michael Harberg)
The Santa Monica Luskeys on the way into the party!
Brian, Michael, Dad, Ben, Dan & Mac
The Boys giving Dad their "Thank you for taking us to Vegas" gift - dice cufflinks!

The first party guests to arrive learning Thriller for the flash mob!

The Harberg Family Band
Max on guitar, Ben on drums and Michael also on guitar

Proud parents, Amy & Joe, watching the band perform!
A musician's gotta eat after a live show!
(Yes, he has 3 sliders, 3 pieces of pizza and a taco on that plate.)
The weekend was wonderful - full of food, family and fun! We always love being with our family and feel lucky to describe both sides as our family. It's hard to believe my Bat Mitzvah was 13 years ago and that 13 years from now I will be... old! We're looking forward to the next time we are all together celebrating life's blessings.