Last night was our first night home with Markley and we made our first royal parenting mistake. We let her watch American Idol before bed. This gave Markley dreams of stardom and being the remarkably driven and persistent pup she is, she couldn't wait another minute to prepare for the Idol Season 11 auditions. Knowing it might be a long night with this budding star on our hands, Brian and I checked in at precisely 10:30pm.
Markley decided to write her own song, I mean, please, she's way too original to cover someone else's tired single. She started as all great musicians begin - with doh, re, mi. Her scales started startlingly higher each round - honestly, I'm surprised she could even hear some of those notes. She experimented with vibrato, staccato and the ever popular Christina-Aguilera-growl-singing.
Here was Markley's rehearsal schedule:
- 11:00pm - (5 minutes) Her Daddy gave her some pointers on how singing from inside the crate results in a purer sound quality.
- 1:30am - (5 minutes) Her Mommy further encouraged the crate-singing and introduced the thrilling vocal warmup of "shhhh..."
- 3:00-3:30am - Her longest song-writing session by far. She just couldn't figure out the perfect lyric to rhyme with sleepless...
- 5:00-5:20am - You know, it's just really hard to have so much talent. You just want to share it with world. All the time. Day and night.
- 6:50-7:15am - Brian and Markley ate breakfast together and it was at this time when Brian discovered Markley was most inspired by current events.
- 9:45am - I awoke to the sweet sounds of silence. Worried she had passed out from the pressures of preparation I ventured to the living room only to find her peacefully playing and watching The TODAY Show!
As her Mother, of course I think she's the most talented little singer that ever did sing. As someone who previously worked in casting, I am going to encourage her to pursue math and science. Regardless, she's a happy puppy and is now running in her sleep on my lap. What can I say, the girl's gotta stay in shape if she's going to be the next American Idol.

Markley's morning nap...
Her crate is set up so that she can walk around
her play pen, but not through the entire apartment.

Markley preparing to pounce on her stuffed carrot!

All tuckered out after a morning of fun!
(Leopard robe courtesy of Jamie "Miss Thang" Harberg)
ReplyDeletei think i just died laughing
Haha, she honestly does that! I think she wants to be light her Aunt Franny Fran!