Throughout the week, based on the advice of all the shelters, we perused their websites in hopes to be the first to spot their newest available puppies. Last night, before going to bed, we decided to check the websites one more time and there she was. "Caramel" and her brothers were ready to be adopted from the Austin Humane Society. I immediately emailed requesting to start the adoption process of "Caramel" as she was so adorable and the only girl of the litter. Saturday morning, we awoke to an email saying we were the first hold on "Caramel" and she was ours if we wanted her!
We flew over to the Austin Humane Society and fell in love with a sweet and snuggly two-month-old terrier mix!
Sweet, sweet face.
Check out that wide stance!
(She's the size of the floor tiles.)

Wrinkly faces are the best!
Aaaand, she's out.

We left her sleeping like this with her brother.
Snuggle Queen!
And the best sign of all - "I'm Adopted!"
We renamed her Markley after my freshman dorm at The University of Michigan - the place where her parents fell in love! She will stay at the Austin Humane Society until Wednesday, after she has been spayed. To be honest, it feels a little surreal since we didn't get to leave with her, but we already love her so much.
Of course, Brian is now researching crates, dog food and discount ped meds online and I am busy posting pictures and deciding what color collar to purchase. Oh, this little pup is in for a wild ride with us as parents!
She's adorable!! We have a fur baby and she's a Yorkie-Poodle mix and we love her! It's a great practice for kids someday =)