This year, the Santa Monica Luskeys decided to take it easy for Halloween. The combination of my 55 hour work week with my change-in-the-weather head cold turned out to be the perfect recipe for catching up on the ole DVR instead of playing in traffic and spending waaay too much time and money on a silly an exquisite costume. Yes, we sometimes act like we're in our fifties rather than our twenties, but the thought of spending my limited free hours prepping for a costume I'll wear once somehow fell lower and lower on my priority list as Halloween approached. But I haven't always been such a bore!

Minnie Mouse & Daisy Duck
Halloween, 2008

Check out my yellow "duck bill" visor and Ally's sequined ears!

We channeled the silver screen last year:
Jennifer as Marilyn Monroe and Ally as Dancing with the Stars
Halloween, 2009

The Santa Monica Luskeys as The Biggest Loser contestants.
Brian was "before" and I was "after!"
This year, the Santa Monica Luskeys spent the weekend catching up on house chores, running errands we'd been putting off for weeks and spending some good ole quality time together. There's something about a chill in the air that reminds me of Ann Arbor and instantly transports me to the early days in our relationship. I somehow feel younger, more carefree, a little excited about the change that the weather represents and, believe it or not, a little more in love.
So even though we didn't dress up for Halloween this year, we were definitely a husband and wife reliving the days when we met and fell in love so many years ago. Thankfully, that doesn't require a costume!
:) "like"