After work, we flew (Horizon Air's comfortably greener Q400 turboprop) to San Jose airport where the Saratoga Luskeys picked us up and headed home for a quick snack before the big fast. Technically we shouldn't have eaten after sundown, but since we had come from work and didn't get a chance to eat dinner, we thought it safer to eat something before the next day. As long as I fast during the day on Yom Kippur, that's good enough for me!
The five of us (Shelley, Kenny, Jackie, Brian and I) went to services in the morning where we saw some of the hostesses* - Rochelle and Jane. The services were much more casual than I am used to, but it was nice to be observing the holiday with family. Their synagogue also observes an "all white" policy on the High Holy Days which I clearly didn't get the memo. I wore a red dress. Oops!
*I always refer to Shelley's closes friends as "the hostesses" because they are constantly in party planning mode - throwing bridal showers and meet-the-baby parties for each other's children. They are an incredible group of women and we feel so lucky to be on the receiving end of their generous party planning endeavors!
Saturday afternoon was spent lounging around the house trying not to die from starvation. Okay, I'm not only being over dramatic, but I am also keeping my little fasting trick a secret. I like to nap out the homestretch. If I can sleep from 3:00pm to 5:00pm, I am golden. We had a fairly untraditional break-the-fast. We broke fast at Alexander's Steak House. And then, the highlight of our trip happened...
Two bites into our appetizers (truffled french fries, hamachi shots, popcorn crab, cheese and prosciutto) my sister -in-law whispered to me, "Quick, give me your hand!" I reached out my hand and she pulled it across her belly to her right side. We waited a few seconds and... KICK! Followed by a swift KICK, KICK! I felt her baby kick! I couldn't help but get a little teary-eyed, I mean, there's a baby in there. I already love my little niece so much, it was like she just wanted me to know she was there, enjoying the fancy meal right along with us. One tomahawk steak, one filet mignon, two stripped basses, and endless stomach ache inducing sides later, we sang happy birthday to Kenny (a few days early) and ended the evening with some Yolatea fro-yo. You heard me, we went out to frozen yogurt after that meal.

This is what you see when you walk into Alexander's Steak House.
Hamachi Shots
Sunday morning we threw together a last minute brunch for eight! You know I never pass up an opportunity to show off my hostess skills so we whipped up a gorgeous spread (if I do say so myself) in no time! The Mounts (Alice & Dave), The Narayans (Alison & Rishi), our beloved Raymond Daniel Goni, Jr. (Goni) and Jackie all joined us for some bagels & schmear, veggie frittata, fruit, coffee and almond champagne mimosas before leaving for the airport.
A few hours later we were home in Santa Monica bearing the most beautiful double orchid (a lovely gift from the even lovelier Alice Mount) which I received at least half a dozen compliments on between security and baggage claim. It looks perfect in our apartment, too!
Propeller planes, synagogue, nap time, steak house, baby kicks and brunch with friends - can't think of a better way to spend a weekend!
sounds like a beautiful time with family and friends. I took part in Rosh ha Shanah and Yom Kippur with friends... a real blessing.. hope y'all are well...