Since moving back to Texas two short months ago, the Austin Luskeys have been hunting for the perfect house to call our own! It's true, our wish lists differ, I will most certainly base my decision 100% on an emotional feeling I get while standing in the center of the home and Brian, rest assured, will be focused on one thing - budget. To be fair, we both want a nice, safe neighborhood (with great schools to utilize in the future) three bedrooms, two baths and preferably an open kitchen/dining/living room floor plan. I wouldn't mind a fabulously remodeled kitchen, crown moldings, formal dining room, a relaxing oasis master suite and pristine landscaping - you know, the charm of a vintage house with the class of a brand new one! I mean, to quote South Pacific's hysterically insightful Happy Talk, "If you don't have a dream, how you gunna have a dream come true?!"
During our hunt, I've been gathering design inspiration and might I say - if all goes according to plan we'll have the most gorgeous house on the block in no time! But first, we have to find a house. Details. Below are two pictures from which I'd love to copy draw inspiration.

I may or may not have seen a house today
that already had black granite counters... :)

If you have to do laundry,
it might as well be in a room this fun!
ps. We actually did apply for the show House Hunters and, after emailing back and forth with one of their producers, have a phone interview set up for next week! Wish us luck!!
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