I grew up in a family overflowing with strong women. My Grandma was raising four children by the time she was 24 years old and my Mom was already onto her
second successful career by the time my siblings and I were in elementary school. Seeing such examples of women who worked full time (both in the workforce and in the home)
and had loving marriages
and a home cooked, gourmet meal on the table every night by 6:30pm sent a clear message to me from an early age: having it all is the norm.
I often wonder if I had been warned - life isn't as easy as it looks - would I have listened? And if I had listened, would I have assumed that old adage didn't apply to me? I admittedly have a tendency to decide I want something and then wonder why - since I so obviously want it - did it not fall into my lap yesterday.
When we decided to move to Austin, I was encouraged time and time again, "take your time figuring out what it is you want to do." I clearly misinterpreted this advice. For some reason, I heard "sit back, relax, and wait for your next career to fall into you lap as you sit in your apartment watching Real Housewives reruns." What I should have heard, and now understand, is, "try something. If that doesn't end up being a perfect match, try something else!" I had this aha! moment when I came across a job listing for which I thought I might be a good fit. Immediately I thought of the cons - it would be a long commute, I've never done anything in that field before, I'm not sure I want to completely leave the acting/casting/artistic world and have a traditional "nine to five" - the list continues. But then I remember the reasons I was drawn to the listing in the first place - I would learn a lot, my skills and strengths would be put to good use, I would be an advocate for a cause that touches my heart, I could have a work/life balance - the list continues.
And then it hit me. This is what people mean when they say, "take your time." I could fill out the application (a novel concept, I know) meet with the potential employer and talk about the opportunity, see if the job would even be a good fit. Then if it doesn't seem to be all I thought it could, I would just take my time and find something else.
This revelation, I am fully aware, isn't the most impressive discovery, but definitely feels like a weight has been lifted. I'm just glad I came to my senses after only a few months in Austin - not a few years.